Welcome to our Meditators Community. People practice meditation all over the world – in big cities, in small towns, by mountains and next to oceans, sometimes by themselves and sometimes with others. People just like you and me close their eyes to experience transcendental awareness.
“Our Community” photo gallery is a collection of photos of where people meditate. Just click on each photo to learn a little more about the person and value they receive from their practice. We invite you to explore the wonderful variety and hope it helps you feel more connected to our family of meditators.
Where do you meditate? In your living room? In a cave atop a mountain? On the train? At the beach? On a park bench?
Want to be part of the Community Gallery? Just send us a photo of where you meditate, a photo of yourself, and short write-up on the value you receive from meditating to mktadmin@davidlynchfoundation.org – please include your name, email address, and the city you live in.

Punita Khanna

Velky Valentin – DLF Team

Brette Petway

Linda Edwards Gard

Anastasia Chernikova

Josef Baroš

Rosa Avila

Ralph B. Saunders II

Graham Nash

Benedict Carrizzo – DLF Team

Katie Schaefer-Murray

Marguerite Beaudoin-Curtis

Donna Hauser

Colleen Dubois

Donny Rappleyea

Carlos Guerrero

Phenix Hall

Tracey White

Bob Jones

Ford Austin

Aroha Huia

Greg Spitzfaden

Judy Canty Graves

Matthew Kalil

Helene Goldberg

Ava Joubert

Casey Williams – DLF Team

Ben Lemel

Kristi Hall

Susan Paley

Karen O’Connell


Tanya Becdach

Theresa Mayo

Sally Perry

Jeanette Martin

Diane Erbeznik

David Levitt

Kathy Arth

Lisa Rogell

Roxanne Sutton

Catherine Carter Davis

Shahrzad Rabie

Robin DuBois

Martha O’Neill

Susie Koltun

Leslie Bender

Susan Knowles & Andy Saftel

Tamara Maher

Phoebe Cannon

Carole Capriotti-May

Mary Roberts

Sarah Dart

Tracy Lloret

Agnes Armao

Shelly Hermann

Nancy Carlin

Trisha Wilson

Roberta Hillinger

Jean Baizar

Catya Plate

Sharon Bertler

Sam Feldman

Kevin Reilly

Susan Lepidi

Marguerite Denoncourt

Lynda McKinney

Kelly Minnick

Lillian K. & Bill F.

Janet Cunningham

Katy Broit

Kathy Rossetter

Gerdi Kanzler

Valerie Antkowiak

Jill Underhill

Joyce Ellenberg

Judy Van Norman

Jane Beller

Karen Dooley

Jeni West

Bonnie Harken

Allison Orr

Lani Sarachild

Leonard Lubrano


Carla Roberts


Rebecca Scott

Marjorie Carhart

Mark Hardesty

Owen “Big Sarge” Hartley

Ray Mizumura

Lorna Way

Bruce Cox

Suzinn Weiss

Kris Kato


Amanda Hand

George Connell

Kathy Kovacs

Julie Reisler

Amy Spitzfaden-Both

Libby Jo Henkin

Angie Forton

Regina Cronin

Cathleen Piermarini

Alessandro Uzielli

Ashia Fredeen

Lucy Bernardin